Position Cursor in Edit control? Hi All, How do I position the cursor within an edit control? I've tried Thanks, |
Re:Position Cursor in Edit control?Quoteteve Harp wrote: Edit.SelStart |
Re:Position Cursor in Edit control?I need to set the cursor to the end of the text or, if no text exists, set it to the beginning ot the edit buffer. How is SelStart going to help? In the OnEnter event of the control, I tried: TEdit(Sender).SelStart := 0; This had no affect on cursor position. Steve On Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:00:40 -0500, Mauro Pati?o <M-Pat...@govst.edu> Quote>teve Harp wrote: |
Re:Position Cursor in Edit control?QuoteSteve Harp wrote: edit1.setfocus; //Needed if you are outside the edit |
Problem/Question/Abstract: How to determine the caret position in a TMemo. Answer: You can use the Windows API messages EMLINEFROMCHAR and EMLINEINDEX to determine the current line and offset within that line (starting from SelStart). LineNum: longint.
- Board index » delphi » TEdit again. Delphi Developer. Thu, 09 Aug 2007 23:43:41 GMT. Hi folks, is it possible to get the caret position in a tedits 'OnChange' event handler? I tried to find similar property/'get.' Method but there is none listed. I would appreciate if.
- Retrieved from 'http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/e/index.php?title=FMX.Edit.TEdit.Caret&oldid=524384'.
- Position of Cursor in Edit Box. Cursor position after edit on jet db. Calling an edit form from a BDGrid and inheriting the current cursor (record) position. Edit Box Cursor Position. Set the cursor position on edit.text.
- For the caret build into standard edit controls (TEdit, TMemo in Delphi) or created by a call to the CreateCaret API function the Windows API has a function GetCaretPos, but the problem (for you) is that this function only returns the (last) position of a caret inside the application that calls it. You cannot get the position of the caret.
1. Text-cursor position within edit fields
2. Get cursor's position in Edit box ?
3. position of cursor in a edit box
4. Position cursor in edit box
5. Position of Cursor in Edit Box
6. Cursor position after edit on jet db
7. Calling an edit form from a BDGrid and inheriting the current cursor (record) position
8. Edit Box Cursor Position
9. set the cursor position on edit.text
10. Calling an edit form from a BDGrid and inheriting the current cursor (record) position
Problem/Question/Abstract:Does anyone know how I might be able to suppress the text cursor in a TEdit, so it's not visible?
For that you need to call the HideCaret API function after the control has processed the WM_SETFOCUS message. The OnEnter event is a tad too early for that, so if you do not want to create a TEdit descendent with an overriden message handler for WM_SETFOCUS you need to delay the action by posting a message to the form and have the handler for that message do the HideCaret.
The three edits on this example form share the same OnEnter handler (AllEditEnter), have ReadOnly = true and AutoSelect = false.
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, stdctrls, jpeg;
TUMHideCaret = packed record
msg: Cardinal;
control: TWinControl;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
Memo1: TMemo;
Delphi Cursor Position In Tedit
Edit1: TEdit;
Edit2: TEdit;
Edit3: TEdit;
procedure AllEditEnter(Sender: TObject);
Delphi Tedit Caret Position
{ Private declarations }
procedure UMHideCaret(var msg: TUMHideCaret); message UM_HIDECARET;
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.AllEditEnter(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(handle, UM_HIDECARET, wparam(sender), 0);
procedure TForm1.UMHideCaret(var msg: TUMHideCaret);
Delphi Tedit Get Caret Position
Of course this is an excellent way to confuse the user, since there will be no indication where the focus is anymore when the user tabs into one of the edits...